  • Is whole
  • Lamb Fries/Testicles (Organ)
  • No Meat
  • Organ
  • No bone
  • Non-GMO and antibiotic free
  • No added fillers, binders or coloring
  • USA Raised and Processed
  • Lamb - Hot
  • Class - Organ

Lamb fries or testicles are a fun novel non liver secreting organ. They are also a great source of Potassium, phosphorus and zinc and are said to help aid in reproduction with males.

You'll receive in a 10 lb. bag of farm fresh fries (testicles) approximately 60 give or take depending on size. Fries will always vary in size; most will be about the size of a chicken egg.

Secreting Organs need to make up at least 10% of your pets' diet, they provide essential nutrients needed.

Sourced from USDA facility always Steroid, hormone & antibiotic FREE!

This product does not contain any added color, denaturant, preservatives, artificial ingredients and will never be HPP processed.

Our belief is always feed nutrient dense meats, bones and offal from varied proteins.... Thanks for feeding RAW!


  • Is whole
  • Lamb Fries/Testicles (Organ)
  • No Meat
  • Organ
  • No bone
  • Non-GMO and antibiotic free
  • No added fillers, binders or coloring
  • USA Raised and Processed
  • Lamb - Hot
  • Class - Organ

Lamb fries or testicles are a fun novel non liver secreting organ. They are also a great source of Potassium, phosphorus and zinc and are said to help aid in reproduction with males.

You'll receive in a 10 lb. bag of farm fresh fries (testicles) approximately 60 give or take depending on size. Fries will always vary in size; most will be about the size of a chicken egg.

Secreting Organs need to make up at least 10% of your pets' diet, they provide essential nutrients needed.

Sourced from USDA facility always Steroid, hormone & antibiotic FREE!

This product does not contain any added color, denaturant, preservatives, artificial ingredients and will never be HPP processed.

Our belief is always feed nutrient dense meats, bones and offal from varied proteins.... Thanks for feeding RAW!


Lamb Fries Testicles Raw

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77 in Stock Now

Weight :

1.1 lb
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